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Are you prepared to experience spirituality in a way you never thought possible? If so, enjoy the empowerments and attunements that I offer.

Opening Hours

Akashic Records 101

Date: August 6th

Time:  9:30am Pacific US  ~ on Zoom ~

Have you always wanted to learn about the Akashic Records? 

Accessing The Akashic Records, commonly referred to as The Book of Life, has been a coveted skill for many on the spiritual path, but it has been largely misunderstood and touted as an exclusive practice that few could undertake. Join me for this exciting foundational course where we demystify The Akashic Records, and learn the fundamentals regarding its practical use. The information will be delivered in a detailed, comprehensive way with no pre-requisites and no special preparation required. This class for the advanced healer as well as the “just-curious” alike. Afterwards you will be able to engage in deeper study/training to open the Akashic Records for yourself, ( Level 102 ) and for others ( Level 103 ). 

What is Covered:

  • What are the Akashic Records?  ( And what they’re not! )
  • Akashic Records Versus Past-Lives? What’s the difference?
  • What does it mean to “read” the Akash? 
  • What are the Laws of The Akash?
  • Benefits of “reading” our Akashic Records?
  • Dangers and Pitfalls to avoid.
  • Who are the Lords/Ladies  of The Records?
  • Reading versus Healing the Akashic Records?
  • Who has the ability to open the records?
  • What skills or abilities are needed?
  • Can you read for yourself?
  • Who, if anyone, should read your records?

Investment: *$77.00

Time: Approximately: 9:30am Pacific Time on Zoom. 

Class will be approximately 1 hour

This class is a prerequisite for Akashic Records Level 102 where we will receive an initiation/attunement to access the records, learn the sacred prayers, learn personal access techniques and more!

Register Now For the Complete Advanced Practitioner Program before July 18th and get 20% off!

Early-Bird Registration Discount

Akashic Records 101 = $77
Akashic Records 102 = $349
Akashic Records 103 = $449
Three Records Total = $875 – 20% = $699


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