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Rethinking Frequency

Rethinking Spiritual Frequencies: Authenticity over Love and Peace

In the spiritual community we often quantify energy using the term “Frequency”. Frequency is defined by the number of waves that passing a certain point per second. High frequencies are preferred as they are associated with physical vitality and emotions like love, joy, and peace. They literally vibrate at a higher frequency than “negative” emotions like anger, criticism, or disease. It has become very popular to fret about one’s “frequency,” striving for “higher” levels, but this approach can hinder spiritual progress. Frequency and spiritual energy cannot and should not be used interchangeably. The task, then, is to understand the distinction between God or Source and the qualities of God and to recognize that is and contains all frequencies simultaneously, in perfect harmony. Reiki, embodying these divine qualities, remains a powerful and flawless tool. Let’s dive into this topic together.

Unlike theories focusing solely on energy or frequencies that have a singular wave pattern, Reiki taps into the infinite well of God’s love and wisdom. This approach provides profound, expansive, and transformative experiences that touch the core of one’s being. Reiki thereby facilitates healing and growth on a soul level.

Many have learned that love, a pleasurable and often selfless emotion, represents the highest frequency attainable on Earth. ( “But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love.” (John 4:8)  . However, this needs to be more accurate. God is love, but God is not only love. Love leads to the appreciation of life, indeed. It can lead to refined God-like qualities, receptivity to healing, and oneness. Yet, love as frequency is not the same as oneness. While we are lovingly designed to experience life as unique individuals, our original essence is unity with God. Before birth, we exist as a consciousness with a broad perspective, aware of our timeline but not yet bound by it. We recognize ourselves as the thread and garment of creation. We are valuable and infinite. 

We are born with this inherent sensibility and inner truth. Yet incarnation encourages adaptation to societal, familial, and sometimes spiritual orientations that dim the light of intrinsic truth, representing our unbreakable connection to God and our purpose. So, what is this vibration that surpasses love? Authenticity. It unveils our true selves and purpose, guiding us out of illusion. While love is significant, recognizing ourselves and others as divine beings, transcending differences in race, gender, class, culture, and religion, is crucial here on Earth. 

Authenticity is one of the principal gifts of Holy Fire Reiki. When we invoke the flame, we invoke our authenticity and experience the full spectrum of frequencies, including love.  Authenticity, combined with love, brings feelings of worthiness, freedom, selflessness, depth, peace, security, and the integrity of the Source that created us. (or perhaps “our creative Source”)

In this Aquarian Age, we anticipate advancements enabling us to embody sought-after frequencies. While technology may play a role in understanding and attaining these frequencies, it can never rival the power of Spirit. The Source, or God, is the essence of understanding, addresses our individual needs, and offers the correct dosage of a complete range of frequencies. This includes knowledge of the past, present, and future, connection with our soul, and life mission. Neither artificial intelligence nor machines can replace such wisdom, however much they will continue to try.

Advancements in quantum technology ( remembered from Atlantis ) produce tools that can raise or match our frequencies to what we desire. I own and use a few of these technologies in my practice, but they are not God. For instance, I own a Lifestream Generator. This machine changes the alternate current to a powerful direct current, emitting it to surrounding fields. This energy can be channeled to specific areas in the body. The Lifestream raises cellular voltage by channeling a Unified Field of energy through the body. This amplification boosts the body’s vibration and vitality, enhancing the body’s healing ability and overall capacity for recovery. Such increases in the body’s voltage, vibration, and “chi” are necessary for healing. Imagine the sloughing off of physical and energetic debris. But that is not all needed for permanent reconnection, alignment, and harmonization. Proper grounding and integration are essential so that all aspects of a person are on board with the change. This and other devices aim to help us reach Zero Point Frequency. Scientists refer to the space of boundless potential as the Zero Point. Accessing the Zero Point equates to identifying with God’s aura, containing all past frequencies and future potentials.

I can say with certainty that my Lifestream Generator works in effectively penetrating density. It can complement a healing session with tremendous benefits. Still, I’ve witnessed the adverse effects of using it on its own while working at Regenesis, a spiritual healing center in Santa Monica. Users would flock to the Lifestream room and be noticeably happier after some time with the thing. They’d also be so ungrounded afterward that they would sit by my reception desk and talk my ear off for an unreasonable amount of time ( since time did not exist,) and admittedly, they did not feel grounded enough to drive home. 

What makes a healing modality such as Reiki so effective is that it provides a balance of energies that can do no harm and is perfect for the recipient. After a Reiki session, a person approaches life with a calm sense of purpose, aware of the true nature of reality and the next logical step on their journey. The “Lifestream junkies,” as we called them, were up to their ears in the ki but had no Rei.

Man-made spiritual modalities and tools can be very troublesome if we place our dependence on them. My Vogel-cut crystal wand probably wouldn’t make it through airport security. A lifestream generator can break down or be too costly to begin with. Clients that I work with remotely can not benefit from these technologies. In contrast, Reiki can travel anywhere in the world and across all timelines of their existence to affect a person’s present-time reality. Sending and receiving distant Reiki is sometimes even more powerful than an in-person session. Once both parties begin to feel the flow of energy, they will be amazed and appreciative of the power of Spirit. Machines and tools can channel energy from God, but in and of themselves lack Divine love and complete knowledge of the recipient’s needs to best help them heal and connect with their authenticity. These are necessary for a person to avoid incomplete healing, feeling stripped and floaty, and lacking the concrete guidance to take in the present time as is suitable for them. 

Intersections between faith and technology are not the only spiritual healing modalities that can be misunderstood or misused by those on a spiritual path. There are a plethora of energy systems that are capable of producing profound transformation. Some promise to unlock spiritual gifts or assist one in developing specific attributes. Others foster more robust connections to beings in the spirit world, opening us up to universes within.

For example, I utilize Kundalini breathwork and meditation to uplift and energize, but I’m careful to use them in conjunction with Reiki to offset negative consequences. Anyone with an in-depth understanding of Kundalini understands that adding energy to an unhealed individual risks amplifying unwanted aspects as well. They can become restless or angry afterward, driven by an intense desire for growth that may lead to impulsiveness and internal conflicts. Unfortunately, this “ends justify the means” way of approaching spirituality is a joint dysfunction in our society.

Elevating consciousness is not intended as a race or a goal to be attained, irrespective of all else. Instead, it should align with one’s purpose and authenticity and provide joy and vitality that uplifts those around you. Unlike tools that focus solely on manipulating energy patterns or frequencies, Reiki goes beyond surface-level healing by tapping into the infinite well of God’s love and wisdom. The Holy Fire energies, for example, contain the full spectrum of frequencies, so you will never be without a much-needed vibration. Reiki healing is always in harmony with your life and circumstances. This approach provides a profound and transformative experience that touches the core of one’s being, facilitating healing and growth on a soul level.


The belief that has sidetracked many well-intentioned spiritual seekers is the notion that spirituality is akin to “hacking God.”

 That line of thinking conflates God with a high frequency, and by elevating our frequency, we can release our burdens, draw closer to God, and manifest our desires, akin to God but with material possessions. If expressions of ego are the goal, and for some seekers it is, fine-tuning your “vibe” to what you seek may get you there. It works for some, provided they have no blocks or karmic influences and the goals aligned with their life purpose. “An it harm none, do what thou wilt” is the Wiccan crede.  The message here is that as long as it does not hurt anyone, we can attempt to harness the powers that be to attain whatever we desire. Then we have the more hedonistic “Do What Thou Wilt” people. They believe that all desires are born of God and that there is no “wrong” since everything, even negative energy and disease, is ultimately God’s creation. God will not stop them because God made them desirous to begin with. While it is true that frequencies deemed “good” are more about our choice to have a particular experience than God’s opinion of what we should feel, this shallow slant of pseudo-spirituality eventually leaves seekers high, dry, and floundering at best. At worst, it can lead to addictions and entity attachment, resulting in a complete derailing of one’s life. 

God is much more than a specific frequency or vibration. God is ALL of them and more. God’s fundamental truth, heart, knowledge of our soul’s journey, and how best we can return to the Highest Divine Holy Grace are far grander designs than we can fathom from the perspective of the desire mind or ego. Not that I wouldn’t want to experience a 20,000 zero gravity chair, but the actual cost could be a further separation from the I AM and reliance on the external as a means to ascend. The truth is far more valuable. 

Celestial Medicine

Celeste Creel


My name is Celeste Creel !
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