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Are you prepared to experience spirituality in a way you never thought possible? If so, enjoy the empowerments and attunements that I offer.

Opening Hours

The Sacred Bee

  The Sacred Bee   Imagine getting a spiritual visitation from one of these! Intense, right? Still, for this girl, a night that includes a visitation from a spirit guide, loved one, or ascended being, file that under best. night. EVARRRR!!!! One of the very BEST happened in July, 2018 when was granted visitation from, what I […]

Breaking the Money Matrix- a channeled activation

BREAKING THE MONEY MATRIX – Kuthumi, channeled by Michelle Eloff   I am Kuthumi-Agrippa and I come  forward upon the solar rays of love and wisdom to greet each of you at  this time and to bring unto you the blessings of transcendence,  abundance, truth and trust. Greetings beloved ones.  And it is with great joy […]

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